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Deadline For Submissions Extended to 14th March 2024 (17:00 GMT)




The Society's 13th annual conference will take place on Tuesday 24th - Thursday 26th September 2024, hosted by the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) / Understanding Society, at the University of Essex in Colchester, United Kingdom. Pre-conference workshops will take place on Monday 23rd September.

The overall topic of the conference will focus on inequalities in life outcomes that are experienced by individuals across key stages of their lives and if and how these persist or reduce across generations. Social groupings and identities, whether assigned or chosen, colour individual experiences and life outcomes which may be transmitted across generations. The aim is to generate and exchange information on such patterns and deepen our understanding of drivers of these patterns: micro-level factors such as individual characteristics, attitudes, social and friendship networks, family and household structures; meso-level factors such as local area characteristics, neighbourhoods and communities, and macro-level factors such as national institutions, policies and behavioural norms.

We welcome conference submissions from all areas of longitudinal and life course studies: sociological, psychological, epidemiological, economic, social developmental and ageing processes and functioning within and across life course stages; methods and findings of cohort or household panel studies and record linkage, household, and income dynamics; intergenerational transfers and returns to learning; gene environment interactions; ‘mixed’, and comparative methods; innovative methodology in design, measurement, data management, analysis and research practice (quantitative and qualitative).


This conference will be an IN-PERSON event in Colchester, Essex, England, United Kingdom.

Click below to

submit an abstract


POSTER: For which an abstract of up to 300 words is required. 


INDIVIDUAL PAPER: For which an abstract of up to 300 words is required. Please note: Papers which do not fit into regular sessions may be allocated as posters.


SYMPOSIUM: Comprising of four papers. Accepted symposia will be allocated a time slot of 1.5 hrs. For each symposium a summary abstract of up to 200 words is required, plus an abstract of up to 300 words for each paper.


PANEL: Accepted panels will be allocated a time slot of between 1-1.5 hrs. A summary abstract of up to 300 words is required.


PRE-CONFERENCE WORKSHOP: Monday 23rd September 2024. Half or full day duration. An abstract of up to 300 words is required. 


All contributors will be sent a notification of outcome by 31st March 2024.

Conference fees are discounted for members of the SLLS, so please consider becoming a member if you are not already. 

Click here for full details and to sign up


The society’s Journal Longitudinal and Life Course Studies will be a possible outlet for the publication of conference papers. 

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